80% of parents want social and emotional learning.
So do the vast majority of students, educators, and employers. Now is the time to work together for our children’s education and future.

If you believe every child deserves...
- A quality education that recognizes their unique needs
- Opportunities to develop skills needed for academic success and fulfilling careers
- Teachers who care about them
- Schools where they feel safe and welcome
- The resources they need to reach their full potential
- Instruction that motivates and engages them
- An honest and accurate education to help create a better future
Then you are an SEL Leader!
Overwhelming Support
Independent polls consistently show overwhelming support for social and emotional learning among parents across the country. Learn more.

of parents want students to learn social and emotional skills in school (National PTA, 2022)

of parents say SEL creates positive classroom climate (Benenson Strategy Group, 2022)

of educators say SEL has a positive impact on student academic outcomes (EdWeek, 2022)
Parents are SEL leaders
Parents are kids’ first teachers and know what’s best for their children’s education. So when parents say social and emotional learning is essential to their children’s future – politicians and schools should listen.
Social and emotional learning has never been more important as families and schools work to accelerate academics, address mental health concerns, and keep young people safe. We need to work together with all parents to support the social, emotional, and academic development of our children.

Social and emotional learning is the rocket fuel for life
SEL is about developing the full range of skills and a positive identity that students need for academic success, fulfilling careers, healthy relationships, and responsible citizenship. All learning is social and emotional, and all schools impact the social and emotional development of children and adults – intentionally or not. SEL must be intentional to ensure all students, especially our most vulnerable students who have often experienced inequitable learning environments, receive the instruction and support they need for success.
SEL includes five social and emotional skills:



Social awareness

Relationship skills

Responsible decision-making